You know how all boys have a hero?
A figure who’s got special powers, fights the baddies, rescues the world and wins the girl…?
Well, I got to meet one of my heroes.
Now, he doesn’t have a cape, but he does have a slick goatee and his name on a book that’s probably changed millions of lives; it certainly changed my life.
I am talking about Dr. Robert Glover, the author of “No More Mr Nice Guy.”
If you’ve not read that book, read it now, even if you are a man, woman, parent, aunt or pet. It’s a must because it’ll give you a great baseline of current men.
I believe in his work so much that I am one of his coaches (trainers).
I have a confession…
I was excited like a little boy when he told me he was coming to London and even more so when he stayed at my place. Yep, DR. G had a sleepover.
But wanna hear the icing on the cake?
He met some incredible guys for a meet and greet and then 12 of us, including my son, had a VIP dinner that shocked us all…
No, it wasn’t his dairy allergy gone wrong., He got deep into a topic that prevents men from genuinely loving a woman….
Ever had a girlfriend or wife say she feels something is or was missing?
Dr. Glover set up a competition to give away a signed book for anyone who gave the best description of what is meant by “monogamous to mum.”
The winner wrote: “The idea that you are attached to your mother which stops you from having a fully healthy connection to your partner.”
Nailed it.
Yep, a man cannot fully give himself to her because of an invisible psychological bind. Even if she’s passed away, it remains until he’s worked on it.
Then Dr. Glover talked a little about the “madonna whore complex” which gave guys much more to chew on than their fillet steak.
The moment touched us all when we all held hands, slowed down and said gratitude for the food.
Then Dr. Glover asked each man, “what message did your father pass down to you?”
The answers were emotional and the treasures from the night will remain in our hearts….
Thank you to all the men who are becoming a better man, lover and father.
Don’t forget to be the hero in your journey.