Attention: Are You A Man STUCK in the "Nice Guy Zone"?

(Women like you… but won't date you?)

Give Me Just 45 Minutes…

And I'll Show You How To Become…


No More Wasting Time, No More Drama, No More Mr. Nice Guy Finishing Last

You Want To Date Beautiful Women Who Desire and Respect You, For Fun and More!

My Simple Yet Powerful, Easy-To-Follow and Date-Tested Masculine Charisma Blueprint Gives You The Confidence To Easily Ask For That First Date & Get It, and Feel Like a Man Women WANT To Date – Easily Go From The First Date – All the Way to The Bedroom!


Watch Your Dating MasterClass Now:

Missing This Could Literally Cost You Everything…

This Groundbreaking Masculine Dating Methodology is ONLY for Single Men who want to be on a fast-track to dating a beautiful woman that delivers intense attraction, deeper respect, closeness and intimacy, and enjoyable sex!

Your Zoom Sessions With Me Will Walk You Through It All Step-By-Step

How My Masculine Dating Methodology Will Help You Become A High-Value Man…

...Elevating Your Power to Influence & Persuade Women To Want To Date and Be Intimate With You!

10 Ways To Be A Charismatic Gentleman On A Date

Here’s What You’ll Get Inside The Group Coaching…

Your Masculine Charisma Blueprint!

What Single Men Need To Be Confident As A 'High-Value Man' With Confidence & Charisma!

I’ll show you how you can enjoy dating and sexual perks…
using the little-known dating attraction and seduction secrets previously only known to 
‘Hollywood Icons’… who are natural seducers!

Strong, charismatic and admired men who the instant they appear attract dozens (if not hundreds) of beautiful, sexy women who chase after them like swarming bees to honey.

These ”Hollywood Icons” have a natural air of confidence and incredible charisma. They ooze male sexual allure.

Women pick up on that male sexual allure – and I’ll show you how you can have that ‘secret male sexual allure too – WITHOUT being a celebrity, creepy, telling false stories or acting disrespectful!

Beautiful Woman Will Chase You & Want To Date You!

And you can have gorgeous women chasing you and asking you to go out with them!

Remember… Women respect strong, confident men and that comes with being a gentleman and treating women in a respectful and ethical way women love!

And I'll show you THE 5 THINGS You must fix if you want all the dating and romance perks just like 'Hollywood Icons' do!

That way, you can forget about feeling anxious about asking for a date. You can stop wasting time with women who are not a good fit for you. And you can stop wasting money buying gifts and spending money on dates that go nowhere.

If you hate the drama and head games of ghosting, canceling last minute, putting you in the ‘friendzone’, ignoring your text messages or advances, shaming you or making you feel guilty – it’s time for a radical change!

You can stop the relationship drama and head games…
and that means, no more Mr. Nice Guy finishing last!

So what do these ‘Hollywood Icons’ have you don’t?

Well, it all starts with the first thing most men do wrong when dating… and it all comes from a lack of confidence, low charisma, no real connection that results in a lack of sexual chemistry.

Look at the modules below these are the 5 areas men have to heal to be charismatic gentlemen and get women to WANT to DATE THEM!

01. CHARISMA - Calm and Poised

  • Release pent-up anger and resentment
  • Overcoming approach anxiety and fear of rejection
  • Developing assertiveness without losing your frame
  • Mastering confident body language and style

02. CHARACTER - From People-Pleaser to High-Value Man

  • Abolish The “Nice-Guy”
  • Building genuine self-esteem and self-respect
  • Establishing healthy boundaries
  • Developing masculine traits

03. CONNECTION - From Hollow to Meaningful Relationships

  • Meeting Women Online & Live
  • Flirtatiously Funny Conversations
  • Mastering the art of engaging conversation
  • Developing emotional intelligence and empathy
  • Avoid toxic relationship patterns
  • Building a supportive social circle
  • Online Dating & Texting

04. CHEMISTRY - From Awkward to Attractive

  • 5Ts: Attraction Ignitor
  • Dating Do & Don’ts
  • Understanding and applying the principles of attraction
  • Developing a strong, positive sexual self-image
  • Navigating consent and respecting boundaries

05. CONTENTMENT - From Aimless to Purposeful

  • Discovering and pursuing your life’s purpose
  • Developing a growth mindset and resilience
  • Cultivating mindfulness and emotional balance
  • Aligning your actions with your core values

This is for you…

If you are looking to dive back into the dating scene after a divorce or breakup, or are a nice guy who is single, and you want to avoid falling back into the ‘nice-guy’ patterns or spending endless hours on dating apps with no date to show for it?

Then you’re in the right place.

When I coach men, I find most men do need my help becoming the ‘Hollywood Icon’ type charismatic man they’ve always wanted to be!

I‘ll help you add more personality to the man you already are.

Broadcasting and signaling to women you are a ‘Hollywood Icon’ type man with charisma starts with everything you do when you’re with a woman, from the way you talk to her and how you walk and dress.

Remember this… Women are always drawn towards charismatic men regardless of their looks or age! So it doesn’t matter how old you are or what you think of your looks.

IF YOU’RE STRUGGLING… with ANY of these 5 fractures, I know that’s what’s keeping you single, unhappy and lonely!

Because what I have for you is completely different from anything you’ve seen before… I can virtually guarantee it.

I truly believe THIS will change the way you look about dating, and seduction forever.

So What Are The 5 Fractures?

The 5 Masculine Fractures is a framework that identifies the self-sabotaging wounds driven by guilt and shame that harm attraction, love and sex.


These are the 5 THINGS Men MUST Fix To Be Charismatic Gentlemen Women Want To Date!



For Men Who Are:

Too anxious to talk to beautiful women
Avoids social situations & eye contact
Plays it too safe with women.

You’ll walk away from the call with me and know…

  • ​How to stop feeling socially awkward and how to easily connect with women.
  • My method for combating stuttering and crushing fear when asking for a date.
  • How to stop tiptoeing around a woman like a man is walking on eggshells and how to properly handle conflict.
  • How to keep it together when a woman “tests” or pushes you.



For Men Who Are:

Have low self-esteem, putting women on pedestals. Fake confidence & tries too hard impress. Stuck in self-doubt & needing validation.

You’ll know why women are always drawn towards charismatic men…

  • Not attach too quickly in the relationship, and why you need to keep your friends and hobbies and not isolate yourself.
  • Avoid putting a woman on a pedestal and how this kills the chemistry in a relationship.
  • Why men stay too long in a failing love relationship and what to do instead to have the relationship you’ve always wanted.



For Men Who Are:

Obsess over needing a woman in your life. Get too needy and attached too quickly. Feel anxious, jealous, and possessive.

You’ll understand the reason why you should…

  • ​​How to reframe your view of yourself as a high-value man a beautiful woman desires.
  • Stop being so hard on yourself and eliminate negative self-talk.
  • ​Flip the switch so you become a high-value, bold, and decisive man that turns women on.



For Men Who Are:

Seen as a friend not lover. Afraid of coming off as creepy. Feel unattractive and undesired.

You’ll know more about why women do what they do and why… 

  • A woman is not sexually drawn to you or does not yearn for you, She doesn’t fantasize about you and you’re not seen as a lover..
  • ​How to be broadcast and signal you are a high value man she craves – her fantasy lover type. (He’s the sexy guy a woman brags about to her girlfriends.)
  • ​​No more nice guy finishing last. How to feel more confident, and sexually relaxed – without being a jerk.



For Men Who Are:

Feel negative and uninspiring. Have a gloomy outlook on life. Dating feels flat and unfulfilling.

You’ll understand why women leave men… 

  • Why a woman feels the relationship is ‘just friends’ and there is nothing more than this, which makes her leave him.
  • Why you need to stop being so busy if you want to have a close and fulfilling relationship with a woman you can open up to and get respect from.
  • ​​Plus how you can finally get the 2nd and 3rd date and be the high-value man of her dreams!

I’ve been a Men’s Coach for over 8 years. I used to be in tech. I rebuilt myself up from rock bottom after my crushing divorce…

I started working on issues that were negatively impacting relationships. This helped me in other areas too. I also found out I wasn’t alone. Phew.

I’m passionate about helping men evolve to become high-value men, lovers and fathers. I’m also a father of two boys. So this work is doubly important to me.

To save time and confusion, I created the “Masculine Charisma Blueprint” as the ultimate men’s personal development programme to master Attraction, Dating & Masculinity.

The blueprint will help you:

  • Heal the ‘5 Masculine Fractures’ (Nerve, Ego, Emotional, Sexual & Spiritual) for greater attraction, love, intimacy and success. See
  • Become the Charismatic Integrated Man by shedding the nice guy syndrome and avoiding being a jerk.
  • Learn how to be attractive and effective in the dating world without confusion.
  • Stop being needy, co-dependant and getting into relationships with red-flag women.
  • Become a High-Value Charismatic Man who is admired, desired and respected.

This isn’t merely another run-of-the-mill dating and self-development program. It represents a profound, transformative shift in mindset, emphasising self-worth, virtues, and genuine character over superficial acts.

Rooted in science, psychology, and personal insights, this blueprint sharpens your masculine edge, boosts sexual magnetism, and avoids time-wasting dating pitfalls.

This blueprint is for you if you’ve had enough of getting nowhere from endless YouTube videos, books and sleazy PICKUP stuff.

Embark on this transformative journey with me and ascend as a man of distinction, earning admiration, desire, and respect from women and peers alike.

Joe, 49, Sales Rep
"Faisal - working with you on my journey has proven extremely beneficial. It’s ninja level next level confidence and masculine charisma that is working with women! I am regularly dating and I've had more s£x in the last couple of months than I did in my entire marriage. Can’t thank you enough!"


“What I like is I can be honest and genuine with women and still have attraction… and not in a way that is deceptive. I dated a woman for 2 weeks while she was on a work trip, she would get really excited to see me, I never had that before. Faisal gets it and has helped me to become assertive while being understanding. He does kick your ass, but in a really good way. I am now dating a lot more, this is helping me get to experience so I can settle down.”
Kano, 37, Engineer
"I can feel my growth and I can see it in the way people are behaving with me. I feel confident and I’m not afraid to speak my mind or to be in social interactions. It feels liberating."
Stefano Guerriero

mcb - Testimonial

121 Coaching Testimonials - Masculine Charisma Blueprint

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mcb - Testimonial


Men Who Meet With Me To Heal the 5 Masculine Fractures Easily Attract Beautiful Women for More Respect, Closeness & Intimacy, and Enjoyable Sex.

What You Can Expect From "Your First Date"!

Before The Coaching

  • Single Nice-Guys fumbling asking for a date and failing to get a date with women..
  • Want to meet and date beautiful, loving and kind women who respect you.
  • Need to build up your self- confidence after a breakup to get over hurt and anger.
  • Feel like a man who is sexually confident and desired by pretty women.

After The Coaching

  • Easily ask for and get a date with women you want.
  • Have a step-by-step plan for attracting women to ask for and get a date with ease.
  • Feel confident you are making the right moves when talking to and dating women.
  • Gain self-confidence and drive to be the man you have always wanted to be.

Had enough of being the ‘nice-guy’ who gets left sitting home alone? Or what if you're a guy who is successful and comfortable socially - but you don't know how to "kill it with the girls"?

Then This is for YOU!

What Are You Waiting For?!

Single Men are SUFFERING and Will Keep Suffering Until You Arm Yourself with the ONE METHOD Designed to Help You Become The Man Women Want

Choose Yourself & Your Love Life First. Join Me NOW!

This is ONLY for Single Men who want a relationship that delivers intense attraction, deeper respect, closeness and intimacy, and enjoyable sex!


Follow the 3 simple steps to book a call with me so we can discuss how to get you unstuck:

❶ Schedule your FREE call (click here)

❷ Add a reminder to your calendar

❸ Show up with an open mind and a quiet place

“What I like is I can be honest and genuine with women and still have attraction… and not in a way that is deceptive. I dated a woman for 2 weeks while she was on a work trip, she would get really excited to see me, I never had that before. Faisal gets it and has helped me to become assertive while being understanding. He does kick your ass, but in a really good way. I am now dating a lot more, this is helping me get to experience so I can settle down.”
Kano, 37, Engineer


Q: How long is the Masculine Charisma Blueprint (MCB)?
A: MCB is currently being developed and each week we will release content live and in the member’s area. This is why we are looking for beta testers.
Additional to the groundbreaking content, you will also get FULL ONE-YEAR support and training with the weekly calls. This means you are always supported and if you get stuck, you can ask questions. You may meet the woman of your dreams in the 14th week, so we are here to help you ensure you don’t f&ck it up or get co-dependent.

Q: If I miss a session, will it be recorded?
A: Yes, all sessions will be recorded and you can access it at your convenience. We will provide you with all the details on how to easily and effortlessly do this.

Q: What do you mean by it’s in beta testing?
A: I am bringing all the wisdom from 121 coaching, speaking, workshops and men’s groups into a blueprint that you can access from a website and watch and read. As the programme isn’t fully developed, you’ll be given the blueprint in stages. By the end you will have full content and resources.

Q: How do I know this program will work for me?
A: The Masculine Charisma Blueprint isn’t for everyone and therefore you will need to book a discovery call to see if it will work for you and that you are the right match for it. MCB is based on proven principles of attraction, psychology, and masculine self-development that have worked for countless men before you.

Q: I don’t want to come across as sleazy or manipulative. Will this program teach me those tactics?
A: No, the Masculine Charisma Blueprint is an inner-game programme designed to help you become a charismatic high-value man without resorting to sleazy pickup tactics or manipulative behaviours. You’ll discover how to authentically connect with women and build meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and attraction.

Q: What do you mean by high-value?
A: High value is a term we use that brings value to your life and those around us. E.g. eating well, working out, being open and honest, keep our word, focusing on purpose are high value traints. Low value traits are seeking approval, people others to be liked, spening hours on social media etc…

Q: Is this pickup (PAU) programme?
A: No. This is not pickup or sleazy training; this is character-based training for men who want to mature and be great men, fathers and lovers.

Q: I’m not sure I can afford the program. Is it worth the investment?
A: The Masculine Charisma Blueprint is an investment in yourself and your future happiness. You’ll learn the vital skills and techniques that men are desperately missing that will benefit you for the rest of your life, not just in your dating life but in your personal and professional life.

Q: I’m worried I’ll lose myself or my values in the process of becoming more masculine. Is that a concern?
A: Not at all. The Masculine Charisma Blueprint is designed to help you become the best version of yourself, not someone else. You’ll learn how to embody masculine traits like confidence, assertiveness, and leadership while staying true to your values and identity. In fact, many men find that by embracing their masculinity, they become more comfortable in their own skin, feel more authentic in their interactions with women and finally enjoy life.

Q: I’ve had bad experiences with women in the past. How can I trust that this program will lead to positive outcomes?
A: The Masculine Charisma Blueprint is designed to help you overcome your insecurities and develop the skills and mindset you need to attract and maintain healthy relationships with women. While there are no guarantees in life or dating, many men have experienced positive outcomes from the program, including increased confidence, improved dating success, and healthier relationships by learning to overcome the nice-guy syndrome and stop being needy and co-dependent. You’ll have the support and guidance of a trained coach throughout the program to help you navigate any challenges that arise.

Q: I don’t have the time for a 6-week program.
A: The calls will be on fixed times and if you are looking for something quicker and more personalised to your situation, then 121 coaching is your best option. This can be done online or face to face, depending on your needs and budget.

Q: I don’t have the money for this program.
A: I understand that investing in yourself can seem like a big financial commitment, but let me tell you that the cost of the program is a small price to pay for the life-changing results you will achieve. And if you’ve gone through divorce or breakup, that can be mega costly. Imagine being able to meet, attract and connect with women you’ve always wanted and that you can detect red-flags prior to jumping to a costly relationship. Plus, we offer different payment plans to make the program more affordable.

Q: Will I get enough support?
A: Totally. Not only will I be supporting you throughout the journey, but you will also have access to MCB weekly private calls. You have access to 100s hours of videos which covers topics from sexual shame, attachment, body language and much more.

Q: I’m unsatisfied. Can I get my money back?
A: Absolutely. If you want to break up with us, you can let us know, and I will give you a full refund. No hard feelings. I only request that you fully attend at least 6 calls and participate in all the given tasks. If you’ve given your best and are still unhappy, like any relationship, you can leave, and there will be no hard feelings. You only need to let us know using the contact us form.


  • Single Nice-Guys who are frustrated with attraction and dating.
  • Ready to start meeting and dating beautiful, loving and kind women.
  • Ready to rebuild your confidence after a breakup that left you devastated, hurt and angry
  • Had enough of being the ‘nice-guy’ who gets pushed around?
  • Hesitant, but want to get out there, and date beautiful women
  • You want to be sexually confident and desired by women


  • You blame others and don’t want to take responsibility.
  • You want an easy way out without doing the work.
  • You keep chasing new answers and cannot commit.
  • You want a change but are not ready for a change.