Attention: Are You A Man STUCK in the "Nice Guy Zone"?
(Women like you… but won't date you?)
No More Wasting Time, No More Drama, No More Mr. Nice Guy Finishing Last
You Want To Date Beautiful Women Who Desire and Respect You, For Fun and More!
My Simple Yet Powerful, Easy-To-Follow and Date-Tested Masculine Charisma Blueprint Gives You The Confidence To Easily Ask For That First Date & Get It, and Feel Like a Man Women WANT To Date – Easily Go From The First Date – All the Way to The Bedroom!
Missing This Could Literally Cost You Everything…
I’ll show you how you can enjoy dating and sexual perks…
using the little-known dating attraction and seduction secrets previously only known to ‘Hollywood Icons’… who are natural seducers!
Strong, charismatic and admired men who the instant they appear attract dozens (if not hundreds) of beautiful, sexy women who chase after them like swarming bees to honey.
These ”Hollywood Icons” have a natural air of confidence and incredible charisma. They ooze male sexual allure.
Women pick up on that male sexual allure – and I’ll show you how you can have that ‘secret male sexual allure too – WITHOUT being a celebrity, creepy, telling false stories or acting disrespectful!
And you can have gorgeous women chasing you and asking you to go out with them!
Remember… Women respect strong, confident men and that comes with being a gentleman and treating women in a respectful and ethical way women love!
That way, you can forget about feeling anxious about asking for a date. You can stop wasting time with women who are not a good fit for you. And you can stop wasting money buying gifts and spending money on dates that go nowhere.
If you hate the drama and head games of ghosting, canceling last minute, putting you in the ‘friendzone’, ignoring your text messages or advances, shaming you or making you feel guilty – it’s time for a radical change!
You can stop the relationship drama and head games…
and that means, no more Mr. Nice Guy finishing last!
So what do these ‘Hollywood Icons’ have you don’t?
Well, it all starts with the first thing most men do wrong when dating… and it all comes from a lack of confidence, low charisma, no real connection that results in a lack of sexual chemistry.
Look at the modules below these are the 5 areas men have to heal to be charismatic gentlemen and get women to WANT to DATE THEM!
This is for you…
If you are looking to dive back into the dating scene after a divorce or breakup, or are a nice guy who is single, and you want to avoid falling back into the ‘nice-guy’ patterns or spending endless hours on dating apps with no date to show for it?
Then you’re in the right place.
When I coach men, I find most men do need my help becoming the ‘Hollywood Icon’ type charismatic man they’ve always wanted to be!
I‘ll help you add more personality to the man you already are.
Broadcasting and signaling to women you are a ‘Hollywood Icon’ type man with charisma starts with everything you do when you’re with a woman, from the way you talk to her and how you walk and dress.
Remember this… Women are always drawn towards charismatic men regardless of their looks or age! So it doesn’t matter how old you are or what you think of your looks.
IF YOU’RE STRUGGLING… with ANY of these 5 fractures, I know that’s what’s keeping you single, unhappy and lonely!
Because what I have for you is completely different from anything you’ve seen before… I can virtually guarantee it.
I truly believe THIS will change the way you look about dating, and seduction forever.
The 5 Masculine Fractures is a framework that identifies the self-sabotaging wounds driven by guilt and shame that harm attraction, love and sex.
For Men Who Are:
Too anxious to talk to beautiful women
Avoids social situations & eye contact
Plays it too safe with women.
You’ll walk away from the call with me and know…
For Men Who Are:
Have low self-esteem, putting women on pedestals. Fake confidence & tries too hard impress. Stuck in self-doubt & needing validation.
You’ll know why women are always drawn towards charismatic men…
For Men Who Are:
Obsess over needing a woman in your life. Get too needy and attached too quickly. Feel anxious, jealous, and possessive.
You’ll understand the reason why you should…
For Men Who Are:
Seen as a friend not lover. Afraid of coming off as creepy. Feel unattractive and undesired.
You’ll know more about why women do what they do and why…
For Men Who Are:
Feel negative and uninspiring. Have a gloomy outlook on life. Dating feels flat and unfulfilling.
You’ll understand why women leave men…